Participate in Plastic Free July: Get started with these resources
Plastic Free July is a global movement that aims to raise awareness of the pollution that accumulates by the use of single use plastics. There are many resources available through their website including informational videos and marketing materials. Libraries could get involved by creating programming, encouraging staff members to join and publicizing their efforts, and posting tips for reducing use of single use plastic in staff and public areas in the library.
Related resources:
Screen the movie Bag It at your library followed by a discussion using the Education Packet provided.
The Plastic Pollution Coalition advocates for comprehensive federal legislation to reduce the production of single use plastics, shift the waste management costs to manufacturers, and invest in domestic recycling technologies.
EcoCycle is both a recycler and a Zero Waste organization based in Boulder, CO. Their website is full of resources for individuals and municipalities.
DeliverZero is a Brooklyn, NY based service that partners with restaurants and food delivery services to deliver food in reusable containers. It is exciting to see a service like this reducing plastic waste on a municipal scale. For libraries that are part of their local Chamber of Commerce networks, participation in this service could be be suggested to local restaurants.
This graphic mindmap illustrates practical ways to reduce plastic in your day to day life.