Published on February 15, 2024

The Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI) is excited to be collaborating with four different State Library Associations (ILA, MLA, NJLA, NYLA) on a new partnership that provides a one year free membership to the SLI to all members of one of our four affiliated state library associations. In addition a 20% discount on the registration fee for any affiliated state library member who decides to enroll in the Sustainable Library Certification Program.

SLI logo

The SLI was created thanks to a group of colleagues who wanted to help libraries step up and own their role as sustainability leaders in the face of the effects of climate change. We’ve developed tools, resources and methodologies that help library leaders be more authentic and focused in their decision making; resource use; service and program design; and partnerships to align with the triple bottom line of sustainability: environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic feasibility. 

You should be receiving the monthly SLI newsletter already and you are encouraged to check out the final presentations of libraries and librarians who have completed the Sustainable Library Certification Program. You can learn a lot from your peers just by checking out their stories which can be found here, libraries that have finished have their presentations linked to their names on this page. 

You can learn about this project and your new benefits by signing up for an upcoming webinar (registration info below.) Once you sign up for your free member account, you will have access to the member only resources. Your Members-Only Resources include:

  • CO2 Calculator
  • Program Idea Bank
  • Sample Policies
  • On Demand Webinars on topics such as:
    • Climate Adaptation for Library Facilities
    • Libraries for Health and Wellbeing: A Strategic Framework
    • Repair Cafes
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Community Gardening
    • Measuring Sustainability in Libraries 
  • Vendor List

Upcoming webinars:

Intro webinars to the SLI & SLCP

An Introduction to your Sustainable Libraries Initiative Membership

Thursday, February 29th at 10:00 AM EST
During this webinar you will be introduced to the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and the members-only resources you have access to for the coming year as members of the ILA, MLA, NJLA, or NYLA. 

Click here to register:   


An Introduction to the Sustainable Library Certification Program

Thursday, March 7th at 10:00 AM EST
During this webinar you will learn more about the Sustainable Library Certification Program (SLCP.) Hear the experiences of a panel of library professionals discuss their experiences from their journey to completion of the certification program. 

Click here to register:

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